Saturday 10 September 2016

it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful

So I was browsing Pinterest recently and I came across something that was so perfect that I had to share it. The idea isn't isn't new, the pictures aren't even mine, but the feeling behind it resonated so much with me that I felt like I had to show it you.

It's the Japanese tradition of Kintsugi, and it's where damaged things are repaired with gold or silver leaf, highlighting the repair rather than trying to hide it, and it looks like this......



So beautiful! I think any repair that is made to stand out rather than blend in is using the intention behind Kitsugi. Save yourself loads of money replacing a whole floor/wall of tiles, end up with a quirky, beautiful design feature in your home. No brainer.

Chris Liljenberg Halstrom


1508 London

Image result for kintsugi
Chopsticks NY

I'm embracing this as a philosophy, nay, as a way of life!

If you would like to read the original article it's on Apartment Therapy