Friday 27 November 2015

easy DIY modern Christmas art

It's been a while, but I'm back from swanning around Edinburgh on my first trip out of the country since before Em was born with a quick and easy little craft that's great for doing with kids and will jazz up a Christmas mantelpiece. I like mine so much I'll be keeping them up year-round!

You know what's great about foreign holidays with small children? Nothing. So I left them at home.

This is in no way an original idea, I've seen many versions of this tutorial on pinterest, so I'll just quickly run through what I did.

You'll need a canvas, paint in your chosen colour, glue, glitter, tape and a gold marker. You will also need to download and print this template for the deer. Print on card if you can, it'll make it easier to trace around.

I used double wide masking tape to cover the whole canvas.....

....then I removed every second one to give me stripes.

I painted the stripes black and removes the tape while the paint was still wet....

....then traced the outline of the stag in gold marker.

Then I filled in the outline with the marker, I found this meant any patchy places in the glitter didn't show up.

Apply glue.....

...and douse in glitter! Leave to dry for a couple of minutes then tip all the excess glitter onto a folded piece of paper. This will allow you to easily pour it back into the container.

And voila! Quick, easy, cheap and effective, my favourite type of project!

Disclaimer~smug photos of adorable, well behaved children may not accurately represent everyday life ;P

If you were worried about the glitter falling off you could coat it with decoupage glue or spray it with hair spray, but I didn't feel like I needed to.

I made a second one for Em's room.

So there you have it! I felt like it had been ages since I last did a simple craft so I really enjoyed this. I think it looks great with the rest of my Christmas decorations and I'll definitely find a place to display it after Christmas too.

What do you think? I'd love to hear about any Christmas crafts you've been getting up to in the comments :)

Oh, and if you'd like to try the birch tree art the link is here, and a tutorial for a mini marquee sign is here ;)